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Toxic Masculinity in "Boys Will Be Boys" by Benny

What better way to engage in this conversation than by adding the song "Boys Will Be Boys" by Benny, which musically highlights the effects of toxic masculinity!

The socially constructed definition of masculinity excludes anything that would be seen as feminine which goes against the accepted heterosexual assumption of what it means to be a man. This is due to the linear mapping of masculinity (male = man = masculine) which has been constructed in a way where anything that tests or goes against it would automatically make you less of a man. I say this because masculinity is constructed to be superior to femininity and is mainly about power. This instills fear in men of being emasculated and what makes name calling that implies femininity (sissy, man up) a grand insult.

Masculinity is an “unstable category” which means it is not natural and is constructed by the patriarchy. Men strive to appear masculine because it is associated with power which contrasts the weak connotation associated with femininity. The construction of masculinity should be reconstructed to coincide with femininity. It should not objectify and sexualize women, instead it should be respectful towards them. At the moment, masculinity is constructed to distinguish male characteristics from female characteristics which leads to men to criticize “feminine” qualities. However, masculinity should be defined as being respectful to women and accepting “feminine” characteristics rather than see them as weak. Men should be able to own pink items, have long hair, and be nice without being labeled as girly. If masculinity was constructed in this way, there would be less of a divide between the two genders which would result in less hate and open the door for compatibility.



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